
Do I need a doctors note or similar?


All clients must complete a questionnaire before commencing any exercise programme. This is a Physical Readiness Questionnaire which will be carried out in your free consultation, it will help to identify any health restrictions. As such we may require a letter of ‘medical clearance’ from your GP. Any health issues will be discussed thoroughly before commencement of any fitness routine – your health and well-being is our utmost priority. All client information will be kept strictly private and confidential.


Where does a Personal Trainer train clients?


This will depend on where you've agreed your sessions will be. Trainers may come to your home or office or you may use the local park. There will normally be problems with taking your trainer to your own fitness centre as they will have their own trainers. However, you may have a trainer who has an agreement with a centre so that you can train there. Wherever you want training – we bring the gym to you!


What exercises will we do, I’m worried they’ll be too difficult?


We carry out all kinds of exercises – there are a wide variety and approaches to fitness. You will learn new exercises and routines - they may feel daunting at first but, rest assured, with guidance/encouragement and strict supervision, you will be on the fastest path towards achieving your ultimate training objectives! Our job is to find a training programme that you’re happy with and that you’ll stick to in order for you to reach that goal. You will be surprised at what you can do and how each exercise and routine will aid in achieving your ultimate training objectives!


Does a Personal Trainer ask questions about your lifestyle?


The nature of personal training is such that it incorporates your needs, goals and preferences. The trainer will need to ask some initial questions during the consultation, which probe the demands that are placed on you from your job or lifestyle. Typically the first session will include questions about : Basic personal details; Medical background; Fitness background; Lifestyle factors (e.g. smoking or drinking); Nutritional habits (you may be asked to keep a diary); Personal goals and objectives in relation to fitness.  As you can see, a dedicated Personal Trainer looks at more than just the fitness or exercise component of your life. Any professional trainer should be able to provide information and advice about nutrition, stress management, motivational techniques and then be able to refer you on to others where the need may arise (Chiropractics/Physiotherapists or Massage Therapists, say.)


I’ve struggled with my weight and fitness for a long time, how will you make a difference?


The purpose of a Personal Trainer is to provide a specific programme based on underpinning expert knowledge. Each client has an initial consultation discussing barriers, training objectives and specific goals in preparation to beginning training. The barriers to achieving your goals are just as important, so we can identify these and look at ways at overcoming them. It is our job to both advise and motivate you to maintain your full commitment to the programme and to continually adapt and progress your programme to keep you interested and focused on achieving your goals.


Why should I spend money on a personal trainer when I can do it by myself?


Of course you can train alone. But we believe that our main purpose is to motivate you and develop a customised training programme with you that corresponds to your individual requirements, problems and set goals. We at AMR Personal Training will be your adviser. We can detect when your posture is not quite right or when you are putting too much pressure on the wrong muscles. Also, we will steer you on the correct path to exercise in relation to what exactly to do and what not to do. Don’t just take our word for it – Read our Testimonials!


Can I bring a friend or relative?


Yes. We offer one-to-one training/ couples training or group sessions. Whether it’s working out as a couple or bringing some friends  - we have the package to suit you! Do call me if any questions. Adam


Why use a Personal Trainer?


The reasons individuals undertake the services of a Personal Trainer are varied. Motivation is a key reason - with hectic lifestyles many are living, committing the time to dedicate to exercise can seem impossible for a large number of people. Having a Trainer ensures commitment by both parties. Guidance is another key reason. Many simply do not know which exercises are effective, often going through the motions not understanding what exercise is effecting which body part. A trainer here can be effective in prescribing correct exercises for specific muscle groups. Injury - a vital area in which a qualified Personal Trainer will prove essential advice for exercise prescription on what to do (and not do!). Other health issues like heart and joint problems need expert advice on exercise prescription, too. Whatever the reason, the costs of a Personal Trainer will be money well spent in terms of your long-term health results.



Do I need to be of a certain fitness level before I hire a Personal Trainer?


Absolutely not! Whatever your background in exercise, everyone can benefit from Personal Training. You do not need to be of a certain fitness ability to benefit from the services of a Personal Trainer. Individuals just starting out in exercise with no experience of exercise can gain  from the experiences of a Personal Trainer just as an advanced exerciser specialising in a particular field can. A good Personal Trainer will tailor each training session to the particular needs and objectives of each individual regardless of exercise status: Be it for motivation, guidance, sports-specific training or just plain variety, a dedicated Personal Trainer will oversee all aspects of your fitness program and guide you towards your ultimate goals.


Do I need specialist equipment to get the best results from training?


This is a popular myth: clients often feel that a specialist gym or fancy equipment is essential to getting the results that want. Your body does not know what stimulation you are getting as long as it is getting an effect. Home-based training usually takes place with minimal equipment yet can be as or more effective than gym based training. There are dozens of routines that will produce highly effective results that utilise minimal equipment and very little space!


What is a realistic time-frame for my weight-loss target?


It can be tempting for a Personal Trainer to boast wild claims about weight-loss goals but can they realistically achieve them? A good Personal Trainer will set out the best route to your goals with regards to fitness and dietary guidance. How much you achieve will be a product of your personal input, discipline and continued dedication and motivation form both you and your Trainer.


I have injuries – will this limit my ability to get the best out of my Personal Training sessions?


A good Personal Trainer who is qualified and experienced in aspects of injuries will be able to guide and supervise your training routine safely, leaving you to enjoy your training sessions without fear. They will devise safe exercises for the injured area(s) to incorporate into your whole exercise routine.