GYM or DIY? (from WH Smith Health and Fitness Magazine).
Let’s face it, if you had to choose between working out and going out, the gym wouldn’t get a look in. And if Ally Mc Beal’s on the telly and there’s a pizza in the oven, there’s not much chance of the Tae-bo video seeing the light of day, either.
But it shouldn’t have to be this way, says Personal Trainer Adam Riccio of AMR Personal Training. “Working out should be such fun that you wouldn’t miss it for the world. If that’s not how you feel, you’ve made the wrong fitness choices. Pounding a treadmill in a gym isn’t the only way to exercise: you can burn as many calories and tone just as many muscles Rollerblading in the park. Its only when you discover that working out is as much about smiling as about sweating that you can find the motivation to change your body shape for the better – for good.”
So how do you inject the fun factor into your exercise sessions? For many people, the solution is to get out of the gym and into DIY. Home exercise is easier, cheaper and a lot more enjoyable than most gym routines – and you won’t have to worry that any Lycra-clad lovelies are sniggering at your baggy old T-shirt and leggings. So, here to inspire you is our guide to doing it at home with minimal faff and maximum effect. Get your friends round for a session and laugh yourself fit!
For the best results, you need to do at least three exercise sessions a week. You’ll see we’ve devised our workout into three sessions: Cardiovascular, toning and flexibility. Try to make sure you do something from each section every week, it’s fine to combine work from one section with another – so, one session could include, for example, 20 minutes of cardiovascular work and 10 minutes of toning work. Always warm up and cool down by marching on the spot for a couple of minutes. While exercising always check your technique, and if you feel any pain or discomfort while doing any of these exercises, stop immediately. If you have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes, consult your doctor before starting.